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DO Cheshire, DO Staffordshire and DO Merseyside are already live. We have all 45 other counties on the way as we expand the network nationally. We aim to showcase amazing, local businesses and get them the same love on social media as people give to city locations. People always aspire to visit viral spots in cities but are rarely inspired to eat locally. We're here to change that.

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DO Cheshire

Our flagship county, where our founder was born and raised. We already have a deep knowledge of this area but can't wait to discover new corners of it.

DO Staffordshire

A stone's throw from Cheshire, this county is full of undiscovered gems. We are excited to expand our knowledge of the area and shine a spotlight on the people doing incredible things there.

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DO Merseyside

Liverpool is a well documented city bustling with incredible and well established venues. We want to explore the rural areas hiding magic locations that might get overlooked being so close to such a
famous city.

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